The World Is Our Classroom

"Two roads diverged in a wood, And I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."
- Robert Frost
Hi there!

Thanks for visiting The Footloose Teacher. Please check out my blog where I share some insights into my life as an international school teacher living, working and travelling in Asia. 

The Oxford dictionary definess ‘footloose‘ as:  able to travel freely and do as one pleases …. “I am footloose and fancy-free —I can follow my job wherever it takes me”.

Before digital nomads were a thing, teachers were some of the original working nomads.

So who am I?

I’m Mark. I’m an Australian teacher living what I consider to be a very fortunate life. After more than 20 years of living and working in Asia (5 countries so far), I’ve finally decided to document my adventures and to describe what this life is like.

I hope that my blog will be informative, entertaining and even provide a hint of inspiration.

The world really is my classroom. Sometimes I’m the teacher but mostly I’m the student. Join me for a part of the learning journey.

Some Places I've worked

man in black jacket and black pants walking on street during night time
Hong Kong

Home for 8 years

Marina Bay Sands building

Home for 5 years

people walking on wooden bridge over green mountain under blue sky during daytime

Home for 3 years

tiered rice field view during daytime
The Philippines

Home for 3 years

high rise buildings near body of water during daytime
Gold Coast, Australia

Home for 2 years

red bus on road near building during daytime

Home for 1 year

five brown wooden boats

Current home (2022 - ?)


brown pagoda temple during daytime
From Lion City to Middle Kingdom: Moving to China
Part 1: The Journey Begins Part 2: Philippines Part 3: Singapore The China Experience Contemplating Next Moves Never in a million years did I ever think I would live in China. My goal...
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Tourists on an elephant ride tour of the ancient city Ayutaya ,thailand
2023: The Footloose Teacher's Year In Review
Bangkok 2023 Was Pretty Great The year 2023 is about to end as I write this blog post from Koh Samet, Thailand. It’s fair to say that it has been a reasonably good one for me. Starting...
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white concrete statue near city buildings during daytime
Singapore Insider: Four Years in the Lion City
Part 1: The Journey Begins Part 2: Philippines   Getting there: Another job search When I first started thinking about working in international schools overseas, I had Singapore pencilled...
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Coins in a glass
Why I Teach The Stuff That Kids Want To Learn
How It Began A few years ago, I was chatting with three students in my Grade 10 Advisory class about money and the share market. I’ve no idea how the topic came up. As the conversation...
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gate closing signage
Why International Teachers Are Some Of The Original Working Nomads
The following post is a reproduction of an article about me written by fellow blogger Marc Hall from He writes much better than me. Thanks Marc for...
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blue white and red flag on gray concrete wall
The Philippines: Live, Love And Travel
Part 1: The Journey Begins PART 2: The Philippines (2002-2004) For two years, Baguio City, the Philippines was my home. I lived and worked at an international school in the ‘City of...
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