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    brown pagoda temple during daytime
    From Lion City to Middle Kingdom: Moving to China
    Part 1: The Journey Begins Part 2: Philippines Part 3: Singapore The China Experience Contemplating Next Moves Never in a million years did I ever think I would live in China. My goal was to...
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    Tourists on an elephant ride tour of the ancient city Ayutaya ,thailand
    2023: The Footloose Teacher's Year In Review
    Bangkok 2023 Was Pretty Great The year 2023 is about to end as I write this blog post from Koh Samet, Thailand. It’s fair to say that it has been a reasonably good one for me. Starting this blog...
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    white concrete statue near city buildings during daytime
    Singapore Insider: Four Years in the Lion City
    Part 1: The Journey Begins Part 2: Philippines   Getting there: Another job search When I first started thinking about working in international schools overseas, I had Singapore pencilled in...
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    Coins in a glass
    Why I Teach The Stuff That Kids Want To Learn
    How It Began A few years ago, I was chatting with three students in my Grade 10 Advisory class about money and the share market. I’ve no idea how the topic came up. As the conversation progressed...
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    gate closing signage
    Why International Teachers Are Some Of The Original Working Nomads
    The following post is a reproduction of an article about me written by fellow blogger Marc Hall from He writes much better than me. Thanks Marc for showing interest...
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    blue white and red flag on gray concrete wall
    The Philippines: Live, Love And Travel
    Part 1: The Journey Begins PART 2: The Philippines (2002-2004) For two years, Baguio City, the Philippines was my home. I lived and worked at an international school in the ‘City of Pines’...
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    person with toy airplane on world map
    How An International Teaching Adventure Begins
    How It All Begins Part 1: Getting started  I began my blog in early 2023.  It’s still 2023 when writing this post and I’ve already written around 30 Footloose Teacher blog posts and...
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    Why You Need To Take A Sabbatical
    What Is A Sabbatical? Have you ever wondered what a sabbatical was? Do you know people who have taken sabbaticals? What exactly is the point? Well, I’ve actually decided to take a sabbatical...
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    The Other Side Of The Footloose Life
      Living The Dream? International travel, adventure, cultural experiences and multinational friends. Living a varied and rewarding life traversing the globe at your pace and on your terms....
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    high rise buildings near sea during daytime
    How To Know When It's Time To Go Home
    When It’s Time To Go Home …. Or Maybe It’s Not I can remember it quite clearly. It was sometime in September 2016. We moved to the Gold Coast, Australia in June 2015 after 4...
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    gate closing signage
    How Living Overseas Can Improve Your Life
    Big Decisions It’s obvious that some decisions that we make in our lives can have huge impacts and lead to completely different outcomes. Living overseas is one such decision. Sliding door...
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    Vintage cars
    Life Lessons From Laos
    Part 2: A Slow Boat And A Beautiful Town The first part of our Northern Thailand-Laos journey had ended and the next part began when we arrived at the Thai-Laos border By around 3 pm we had...
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    White temple
    Half The Fun Is Getting There: From Bangkok To Luang Prabang
    Part 1: Bangkok to Chiang Mai This summer (July) I decided to do some things differently For the past 20-odd years the wonderful month of July has been my holiday month. As an international school...
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    Impact HK poster
    How ‘Solutionaries’ Can Change The World
    I’m inspired by the work of so many people that I have come across in my life. Many of these are colleagues who live a life true to their life mission to make the world a better place. My previous...
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    songkran, festival, thailand
    Why Songkran Is The World’s Biggest Water Fight
    Songkran, also known as the Thai New Year, is a festival celebrated throughout Thailand in mid-April every year. Having lived in countries that celebrate the Lunar New Year, I’m used to the extra...
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    From Rags To Riches: My Own Little Financial Journey
    GETTING HERE I have a finance website and a blog that tries to give advice about money. I also teach this stuff to my students in my real job. But I’m not exactly the best example of someone...
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    five brown wooden boats
    What Makes Phuket A Great Place For Everyone?
      I recently enjoyed my first trip to Phuket. It’s strange that I hadn’t been before. But there are so many gorgeous beaches and islands in Southeast Asia that there will no doubt be many...
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    Is 50 the new 40?
    When I was younger. I used to hear the phrase “Life begins at 40”. I recall wondering why that might be true. As someone who even felt a little ‘down’ at reaching thirty, this was an interesting...
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