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    man reading magazine
    A Teacher's Guide to Becoming a Millionaire
    Can A Teacher Become A Millionaire? Most teachers probably won’t ever imagine becoming a millionaire. Sure, there are benefits that come with our profession, but accumulating huge wealth doesn’t...
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    teacher talking to the class
    Why You Should Teach at an International School
        Why Teach Overseas? Teaching overseas at an international school can be a life-changing experience. It was for me and maybe it can be for you too. Whether you’re an experienced teacher...
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    Woman at the ocean
    Oh, The Places You’ll Go (And The Places I’ve Been)
    Most people have read that great Dr Suess book, ‘Oh, the Places You’ll go!’, about all of the possibilities and all of the challenges that life can bring. It is most often read...
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    group of fresh graduates students throwing their academic hat in the air
    What Do International Schools Teach?
    Do you know your IB’s from you IGCSE’s and AP’s? Are you considering sending your kids to an international school? Or are you contemplating moving overseas and working at...
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    close-up photography of person walking on pavement
    What Are The Benefits Of Taking A 6-Hour Walk Around Bangkok?
    I read a book recently that advocated for the social and emotional benefits of long walks. Actually, I didn’t need to read a book to know that going for a good long walk can help clear...
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    white and blue printer paper
    How Books are Changing my Life
    I’ve admitted in another blog that I’m not a writer. Well, until recently I was also never a reader. For my entire working life as an economics/business/humanities teacher, I’ve...
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    What Exactly Are International Schools?
      When I was teaching in Australia around the year 2000, I didn’t really know what international schools were. Sure, I’d heard of Aussie teachers working overseas, but I thought that...
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    person writing on white notebook
    What The Hell Should I Even Write About?
    I am not a writer. I’ll admit it. I don’t really know if I can write anything worthy of others’ reading. I also don’t really know what I want to write about. Sure, I have...
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